Scouting missions for remainder of 2009.
- Sunday, August 23 2009 @ 04:40 am UTC
- Contributed by: tomcat
- Views: 535

The economy (and subsequent effect on all of us) coupled with refocusing our goals have seen us streamline the organization and return to our founding principles of field work, analysis and lots of it.
As such, we're going to be doing two strike missions per month to hunt new sites and haunts for the remainder of 2009 and also to engage in one "large" case per month with our occasional investigators and guests. This will remain the case for the remainder of the year to finish out the 2009 plan. As a result of this change, we'll roar into 2010 with a boat-load of new sites that have never been hunted before!
Strike missions are either very short half-day exercises all the way to full day travel to examine and research a site. They are an excellent opportunity for our occasional investigators and new investigators or those testing themselves for a first-time access to a paranormally active location.
The strike missions will involve two to three investigators traveling to a new site to evaluate it and to do test EVP and other measurements. It is truly an "investigation", but does not possess all the extra work of a more "public" investigation.
Strike missions are characterized by the following qualities:
- Fast - We're in and out in one day or less. Some may go over a day due to travel or multiple site investigations to take advantage of proximity.
- We go when we go. These are purely opt-in missions for those interested in going.
- Evidence will be limited to short collection bursts and analyzed within one day to judge a site.
- Often, we may hit several sites on same mission set to maximize our footprint and reach.
We're going to do these missions no matter what people's schedules are. If you can make it at the designated time, then you are on the mission. First-come, first-serve. If you can't make it, then look for another mission to hook up with us on and sign in for it. Once we commit to the time to leave, that is when we leave.
We're varying distance and sites to allow the team to have access to these missions dependent on their life circumstances and to also open the doors to new investigators who want to try their hand in the field. This is only fair and provides equal chances for people who may not be able to travel far to join in.
Evidence analysis will be done on or just after the mission. We will file reports on-site with our local software and check EVPs and photo evidence at the same time. As soon as the report and analysis are done, they will be uploaded to the GRI database and stored for later planning purposes. This is a "must-do" for being on the strike-team when doing these missions.
If you are not yet a member of GRI and want to test your mettle with us on a scouting mission, please contact us (use the Contact link on left menu) to join one of our scouting missions.
We are being a bit cagey about our new site hunting list, so we've given the sites a set of names that mirror our military bent... It adds a little fun to the process and we've got something special in mind to make this truly mean something for our members. You'll see when you finish the investigation - trust me, you'll like it!
Scouting Mission list and mission code names
- August - "Ruby"
- Ruby 1 - August 1 - Northern California (done).
- Ruby 2 - August 29 - Old City Cemetery (done).
- September - "Shangrala"
- Shangrala 1 - Sept 12 - Folsom area - book research trip.
- Shangrala 2 - Sept 19 - Northern California - Pigeon Point Lighthouse book research trip.
- October - "Elvira"
- Elvira 1 - Oct 3 - Nevada
- Elvira 2 - Oct 17 - Nevada
- November - "Dirty Dozen"
- Dirty Dozen 1 - Nov 7 - Central California.
- Dirty Dozen 2 - Nov 21 - To be decided.
- December - "Cold Front"
- Cold Front 1 - Dec 5 - To be decided.
- Cold Front 2 - Dec 12 - To be decided.
- January - "Frosty" - Extreme Northern California.
- February - "Shadow" - Northeastern California
- March - "Green Ghost" - Coastal California
- April - "Spirit Light" - tbd.
- May - "Sunshine" - tbd.
- June - "Dream" - tbd.
- July - "Apple Pie" - tbd.
- August - "Laser" - tbd.
- September - "Jupiter" - tbd.
- October - "Dark Light" - tbd.
- November - "Cool Change" - tbd.
- December - "Ghost of Christmas Past" - tbd.