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Site Restored

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This is the historical GRI site as it was in 2013 when the last updates occurred. I have restored this as a reference site only and it is in a "read-only" mode to allow for historical access to the body of work that GRI did throughout it's early years of operation.

The site will occasionally be updated, but this only to support it as a reference site and not to make it a truly "active" part of the GRI site.


First GRI Hunt of 2013: Miner's Cabin - Gold Hill Hotel

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General News

On Friday, July 26th, GRI will be doing an overnight investigation of the Gold Hill Hotel. We will be conducting on-scene investigations of the hotel both inside and externally near some of the old mining digs and have room for 4 or 5 investigators to join in. 

 This is an opportunity to join in at a classic and famous haunt site. GRI will treat the Spirits there on-site with respect and bring our traditional Whiskey offering in a shot-glass to honor those who have passed in the many mining accidents in the area and most specificially, in the 1850s accident at the Yellow Jacket mine which is mere feet away from where we will be staying.

2013 ghost hunting season is starting

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 We've been away dealing with family illnesses and a death in the family. Things are looking up and we are looking forward to some new cases for late June and early July for our first cases in many moons!

We're starting with a focus on Sierra Nevada cases and are looking to do some investigations in Western Nevada too. Much more to come, but it is good to be back in the game!

The team is starting to come together and we are on Facebook talking about the new cases and getting folks together. If you want to reach us, visit our Facebook link!

2012 Mid-year Review

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Articles The year has progressed quickly and what an eventful time we've had since our hunting season started in April. My father's passing delayed us for the first few months of the year and I've dedicated this years hunts to the memory of my father.

Approximately six years ago, I conducted my first investigation. It was at the Gold Hill Hotel in Virginia City and I caught a couple of EVPs and was so amazed by it all. What followed in 2007 and into 2008 was the establishment of what would become GRI. I've learned a lot, made plenty of mistakes and have caught some amazing evidence supporting the notion that we are running into some sort of unseen phenomena that has kept me as interested now, in 2012, as when I first began investigating.

The point of this writing now is to summarize some of what I've learned over these six years and to pause and to gauge where GRI should go next.

Let's start with EVPs. Our stock in-trade evidence capture for the last 5 1/2 years has been to focus completely on EVP as the point of our investigations. While other teams went after other phenomena, we caught thousands of EVPs. And we found a lot were explainable and that a lot were not. You may have noticed that we have a huge number of these recorded on the site. Note that we have many more in our archives.

Truckee Hotel Investigation - 2012

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This is a preliminary video showing some amazing evidence captures from our Truckee Hotel investigation last May. This was a very special case for us and we picked up lots of activity. More to come!

Part 1

Part 2

Re-analysis of 2008 U.S.S. Hornet Case

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Articles A re-analysis of this early case found several EVPs embedded with the camera audio. This is a great video and we re-cut it so that it is more polished and provides a sample of some of the thoughts as we go forward with investigations in the future with our video...

For my father...

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My father recently passed away and I remembered the video we did with my mother and Spencer Hughes at our house. I'm now doing EVP work to get into contact with Dad and will be sharing the captures with everyone in the future.

For now, enjoy this classic video of my Dad. We miss you Pop - love you... Jon

Video of my father debating Spencer Hughes and Jon Almada about the Paranormal

2012 Cases

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GRI is looking for 2012 cases to investigate, starting in April. We have a couple of day investigations on the table, mainly near the Bay Area and also some local classic sites for training missions to get out team back in operation. If you have a great case to share with us and want us to investigate your haunt, contact us!

Training mission: April 26th, 11:00AM Pioneer Cemetery - bring your camera, voice recorders and smiles. Two hour hunt. The purpose is to show people how to do EVPs and do a meet and greet ;>)

Members Wanted

We are reforming the team and are open to new investigators joining us. We tend to do small team investigations and avoid large and confusing gatherings that often produce limited results. Contact us and tell us what you would like to do. If you are a past member and wish to rejoin, contact us and we'll bring you on board

Legal Disclaimer

Ghost hunting is a potentially hazardous activity due to numerous environmental variables. Outdoor ghost hunts typically take place in dark areas such as cemeteries and old buildings which may contain unseen hazards that pose risk of bodily harm, damage to property or even death. We do not recommend anyone venture into an unfamiliar area without first surveying potential hazards during daylight hours.

Neither Ghost Rider Investigations members, site subscribers, site moderators or our site founder assume any liability for any bodily injury, loss of life, or loss / damage to personal or private property resulting either directly or indirectly from information found on this site.

Furthermore, we assume no liability for the actions of people that choose to trespass on private property. We strongly oppose anyone being on private property without the expressed consent of the property owner or its legally appointed agent. Your use of this site constitutes you agree to the above and assume full legal and moral responsibility for your own actions.


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