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September 17, 2011 Case

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We're set to go for the 9/17/11 case. Case number 09171101 is now official and we're good to go. Final details being worked and the team is assembled. Check the Facebook group for GRI to get the case specifics and pre-review details. So far, we have 7 investigators lined up. We'll be posting a few more public details before the official case date, but want to be sure to confirm here that this is a GO.

We are BACK with fresh blood, healthy people and a killer case.

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 Due to foreign spammers, we have disabled comments on stories permanently. Wish we didn't have to do this, but the little blighters don't seem to get that we don't like their stupid links and idiotic adherance to failed marketing techniques.

If you wish to comment on a story, visit our blog OR  visit our site at Facebook and make your comments there.

Back to ghost hunting!

September 2011 case is FIRM - We're going in ;>)

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Alert - All current and former members are welcome to join us for the September 17th investigation. So far, we have 4 members attending. Team meeting will be done on September 10th in Folsom at Mimi's at 5:30PM. We'll cover the game plan, go over equipment and have a great lunch too. If you can't make it, let me know and we'll cover things by phone! - Visit our group page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/ghostriderparanormal/ to keep up with the latest news on the case.

Family issues and first hunts of 2011

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I'm a lucky man. As founder of GRI, I've had the chance to do some amazing ghost hunting over the course of six years and have had good luck with amazing haunts, great spirits coming through on EVPs and lots of good friends and memories made over those years.

WIth the family issues surrounding my Dad's stroke, I have had to steadily tone down the number of cases and investigations our team works on. It has been a very challenging year with Dad and essentially, we're treading water until things change with him.

Investigation of the Other Side is great since the folks we talk with are dead, but the process of the leaving this Earth is a much more daunting thing and my personal GRI mission right now is to be a good family member to my father, who, through no fault of his own, had this terrible thing happen to him. My sincere wish has been that the Other Side and the Powers That Be remain at our side as they have been and to help our little family through these difficult times.

GRI will continue, but with very infrequent cases through 2011 and into 2012. Since I haven't done any cases since fall of last year, I decided to start doing a few solo investigations and will invite select friends to do some EVP work in the field for research purposes. Tonight, I'm going to test the waters on my own property with regard to spirits we've been seeing over the past couple of months. Our property has long had spirit energies on it and many of our family members have had unusual experiences here. Much of the latest activity seems to center on the main ranch house and thus I'm going to do a few sample EVPs to see what we get and treat my own home like any other GRI case.

2011 Summer/Fall Cases

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Missions for Midsummer to Fall

We're going to go forward with guest investigators and put a scratch team together to get the our cases going. A lot of paranormal teams are in tatters with the economy the way it is going. GRI is no different at this point and we're essentially a one-man band again, so we'll work with other teams to keep things moving or guest investigators who wish to do interesting case work for the sheer joy of it and the love of the subject.

I'm pushing for a revised list of three cases for the summer and fall - These are all do-able and within the realm of achievable, so I'll get some dates together as of this revision to this article (Early June) and get things moving. Now that I'm case manager again, I'll be getting some firm dates in place and we'll go for 4 investigators maximum for the following cases. I'm also doing a research case in July/August at Folsom lake and want to test some new gear with a volunteer to assist if someone is up the that.

  1. Naval Hospital Investigation (planning underway).
  2. Masonic Lodge overnighter.
  3. Coastal Campout - Site to be selected - Haunted of course.

Each of these missions will take at least 3 people to achieve and likely more. Guest investigators are welcome from other teams. More as our plans solidify.

Return from the Grand Tour

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Articles I'm home from the Grand Tour of the Southwest. It has taken a week to slowly get started on about 15 GB of evidence analysis. I drove down from Northern California and spent an evening with my good friend, Maury Mootz, at the haunted Armagosa Opera House and Hotel. That investigation was quite interesting and I'll cover more of it in future articles about each of the distinct investigations that took place on the tour.

My original plan had been to tour almost all of Arizona, but there was not enough time for this tour, so I cut the size of the tour by over half to focus on Northern Arizona and part of California as well as a bit of Nevada. Next year, we'll fly down to do the Southern tour and spend time in Phoenix and surrounding areas.

I left Death Valley and headed over to spend an evening in Las Vegas with Maury on an investigation there. That was an interesting place with very strange and confused energies at the location we investigated. I did do some medium work in both Armagosa and Las Vegas and was surprised at the accuracy of some of the impressions I received there. Maury was definitely wide-eyed at some of the stuff I picked up on ;>)

Cactus plant in Boynton Canyon. The fruit is edible if you can get past the spines!On leaving Las Vegas, I headed out over Hoover Dam and then hit Kingman and sped over a days drive to stay in Prescott for a couple of days with my friend Domenica Amore. She is an extremely spiritual woman with amazing energy and intellect. Her friend Sondra and I spent time wandering Prescott with her and we investigated a number of locations there in the city. Prescott is a very haunted town with a lot of violent history. Matt's Saloon is one of the places we investigated and I certainly felt some unusual energy there.  We're going back to Prescott to spend more time in 2011 or 2012 to be sure we focus more on this highly unusual and interesting place.

GRI Mark I Geophone

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Articles Our nearly finished construction of the GRI Mark-1 Geophone!


Tomorrow, we'll finish the construction with a Plexiglas top and new foam and assorted adjustments!

Grand Tour

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Articles I am setting up the trip for the final week of September to do the grand tour of the Southwest. I'll be meeting up with various groups and investigators as I tour, so it'll be a great experience to head down through Arizona and up into Nevada.

So far, we've planned the following sites and locations:
  1. Sites around or near Phoenix, Az.
  2. Tombstone, Az.
  3. BisBee (probable), Az.
  4. Greer (probable), Az.
  5. Prescott, Az.
  6. Sedona, Az.
  7. Rachel, Nv
  8. Death Valley Junction, Az.
  9. Goldfield, Az.
  10. Virginia City, Az.
The plans and dates will finalize soon, but I am in the process of advertising the trip and will seek to hook up with other teams and just have fun on the trip.

Bodie and Masonic

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Articles July 30'th: Our new "old" truck was heading down the highway. We had a leaking right-rear tire, an all too-hastily packed truck and we left far later than we had planned. It was myself (Jon), Renee and Karen heading into the fast approaching twilight as we finally pulled into Bridgeport at about 7:00 PM with little time to find the camp of Masonic.

We refueled and then followed the map coordinates and general directions to find the dirt road to take us into the outback and we quickly found the first deserted mine structures with plenty of open mine shafts and tunnels. There was a rather stale feeling to the place and we have yet to analyze the evidence from that stop, but we did get good photos and enjoyed wandering amongst the timbers, feeling the air from the open mine tunnels with blasts of wind so cold it made you shiver in the warm desert air.

We continued on, in a race to beat the twilight and finally had to make a choice about going forward of following a road that was not described in the map. I trusted my instincts and soon, we had found our destination. Masonic was before us with quaint little structures and we camped in a wide spot in the road to get a good view of the night sky and to do our investigation for the night.

The plaque describing Masonic read as follows:

Although Gold was discovered here in 1860, it was not until about 1900 that Joseph Green staked the Rich Jump Up Mine. On the fourth of July, 1902, J.S. Phillips of Pittsburg, with partners J.M. Brian and Caleb Dorsey made an exciting find and called it the Pittsburg Liberty to honor  a birthplace and a date. Fraternal background determined the name to be attached to this camp, which eventually evolved in three sections knows as Lower, Middle and Upper town. By 1908, Masonic promised to be one of the major mining camps of the West. But the yellow metal followed no pattern. Rich pockets were found and exhausted. Then Phillips broken body was found at the bottom of a shaft. Was it a slip or, was treachery afoot that night? The ghosts of Masonic have many secrets.

Plaque dedicated September 12, 1970. Bodie Chapter of E Clampus Vitus. Mono Country Board of Supervisors.