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Return from the Grand Tour

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Articles I'm home from the Grand Tour of the Southwest. It has taken a week to slowly get started on about 15 GB of evidence analysis. I drove down from Northern California and spent an evening with my good friend, Maury Mootz, at the haunted Armagosa Opera House and Hotel. That investigation was quite interesting and I'll cover more of it in future articles about each of the distinct investigations that took place on the tour.

My original plan had been to tour almost all of Arizona, but there was not enough time for this tour, so I cut the size of the tour by over half to focus on Northern Arizona and part of California as well as a bit of Nevada. Next year, we'll fly down to do the Southern tour and spend time in Phoenix and surrounding areas.

I left Death Valley and headed over to spend an evening in Las Vegas with Maury on an investigation there. That was an interesting place with very strange and confused energies at the location we investigated. I did do some medium work in both Armagosa and Las Vegas and was surprised at the accuracy of some of the impressions I received there. Maury was definitely wide-eyed at some of the stuff I picked up on ;>)

Cactus plant in Boynton Canyon. The fruit is edible if you can get past the spines!On leaving Las Vegas, I headed out over Hoover Dam and then hit Kingman and sped over a days drive to stay in Prescott for a couple of days with my friend Domenica Amore. She is an extremely spiritual woman with amazing energy and intellect. Her friend Sondra and I spent time wandering Prescott with her and we investigated a number of locations there in the city. Prescott is a very haunted town with a lot of violent history. Matt's Saloon is one of the places we investigated and I certainly felt some unusual energy there.  We're going back to Prescott to spend more time in 2011 or 2012 to be sure we focus more on this highly unusual and interesting place.
Leaving Boynton Canyon...I left on a Wednesday morning for Sedona and arrived in about 90 minutes of driving to that location. I checked into a local motel in the center of town and was pleasantly surprised at how friendly everyone was. The town was very busy and there was lots to do. I did drive out and spent time that day hiking in Boynton Canyon. It was a very nice hike and there IS energy to be felt at the vortex area there. It is extremely good in it's energy and I came out thinking I'd be very tired and sore. Not a sore muscle that day or the next, so there is some good energy to be had there in that place. I highly recommend that hike to all. I'll post more photos as soon as I get going this weekend on uploads!

The next two days were spent wandering around Sedona. I hit ALL the vortex locations and climbed to the second highest point of Bell Rock and meditated up there. Had some unusual experiences on the second day with regard to Bell Rock (saw some blue energy up there as if I was enveloped in it - it was WEIRD!) and also caught site of a red rectangle shaped energy about 100 feet from me over at Cathedral Rock Vortex.

That rectangle appeared to me to be like a blanket or oddly rippling energy as it went tearing by me as I hiked the trail towards Cathedral Rock. It was only a couple of seconds long as a sighting and I still do not know exactly WHAT it was, but it was definitely there and I swear it seemed "purposeful" as it went by.

I also hit the vortex at Airport Mesa. Much more light on energy, not like the powerful feelings you get from Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock and Boynton Canyon. This vortex has healing properties and I did some meditation work there before leaving for my hotel and spending a last day enjoying myself in Sedona.

The last full day was spent wandering the city and I did a last climb near Bell Rock and then had some snake meat and cactus fries for lunch for a truly authentic Southwest experience. I drove that night to Flagstaff and decided I like the energy there a lot. Very cool weather up there and perfect for an amateur astronomer like me. I'm definitely going to live out that way when I retire.

The drive home was a 12 hour marathon. I don't like the trip between Flagstaff and Bakersfield much. It was a long trip and my back suffered for it, but I'm glad to be home. I'll start posting the evidence as I review all the video and audio + photos from the trip and will do a couple of shows on the evidence alone!

More to come here as I discover just what I have on tape! :>)
