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2011 Summer/Fall Cases

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Missions for Midsummer to Fall

We're going to go forward with guest investigators and put a scratch team together to get the our cases going. A lot of paranormal teams are in tatters with the economy the way it is going. GRI is no different at this point and we're essentially a one-man band again, so we'll work with other teams to keep things moving or guest investigators who wish to do interesting case work for the sheer joy of it and the love of the subject.

I'm pushing for a revised list of three cases for the summer and fall - These are all do-able and within the realm of achievable, so I'll get some dates together as of this revision to this article (Early June) and get things moving. Now that I'm case manager again, I'll be getting some firm dates in place and we'll go for 4 investigators maximum for the following cases. I'm also doing a research case in July/August at Folsom lake and want to test some new gear with a volunteer to assist if someone is up the that.

  1. Naval Hospital Investigation (planning underway).
  2. Masonic Lodge overnighter.
  3. Coastal Campout - Site to be selected - Haunted of course.

Each of these missions will take at least 3 people to achieve and likely more. Guest investigators are welcome from other teams. More as our plans solidify.