Welcome to Ghost Rider Investigations Tuesday, October 22 2024 @ 08:04 am UTC

Mission Report Shangrala-1: Odyssey Star Hornet Event

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Articles Update: Our case evidence is being posted as we analyze it. The first batch has been uploaded and feel free to comment and listen to what we captured.

A lot of folks look for the bad in things. I like to look at both sides of something before I settle on a decision as to what I'm looking at and when it came to the events that occurred prior to Bob and Summer Jennings stepping up and doing the right thing with the Hornet and TALA paranormal events, I was concerned and looked into things and decided that Bob and Summer were doing the right thing.

I've seen some sites that never see the good that comes out of a negative event and who, even now, are spinning the events to create something else other than the good that came of Brent Fair taking off with the money for both events. The Hornet event was a complete success and if it had not been for Bob, Summer, Chip Coffey and Kristyn Gartland giving of their own money and time, this would have left a lot of people out their money with no event!

Bob did a great job at Hornet and I want to personally thank him for doing a great thing for the paranormal community by stepping in and handling this like the man he is. His wife is right in there pitching to help and she is quite the lady, so I wish them the best.

As for Chip and Kristyn, they were a complete joy to meet and I was truly impressed with how personable and friendly they both are. Both of them made a friend out of GRI and are welcome guests to any of our little hunts if they ever want to stop in and say hello!
We'll be doing our evidence analysis this week and then will post requests for other members of the Hornet event to post their images and audio/video here on this web site if they are so inclined!

We did catch some good audio evidence and, for the first time, noted the smell of antiseptic in the sickbay which was during a mock-doctor session where I called for a nurse to get supplies. A few minutes later, this smell overwhelmed the room and we all smelled the antiseptic smell. And it was the old-fashioned type, something I haven't smelled in years!

We'll be posting more soon and will do a radio show with Bob and Summer on to talk about the hunt if we can get them on! We'll also ask others who attended to pop on and talk about their experiences!