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Investigation 102608 - Jay Hawk Cemetery in Rescue California

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Articles It was a spur of the moment thing. I was in the GRI Mustang, cruising home when I decided to take a look around Rescue and see if I could spot any cemeteries in the area. Taking Deer Valley Road off of Green Valley Road, I ended up diving straight into beautiful countryside on this crisp Autumn day and within a few minutes, I was rewarded with finding Jay Hawk Cemetery.

I pulled in to the gates and parked. I had only my EVP recorder and a notepad with me, so I walked inside the cemetery and got about ten paces in and stopped dead in my tracks.

While a well-kept cemetery, this place was *different*. And I mean so in the spooky sense. There is something weird about the place and the energy was far different from the other cemeteries I've been visiting in the area. The feeling was one of a sort of disquiet and very unsettling. I decided to test this by systematically walking west, then north, east and back to the south and then randomly tried various directions to see where the issue was coming from. I noted that the feeling emanated from the western corner of the cemetery, about in the middle and seemed to come from one grave site in particular.

I spent around 35 minutes in the cemetery and then left. I felt it was worth organizing the team to come out with me to this spot and to bring video and increased audio presence, along with the K-II and other EMF meters to hit the spot harder. I did note that CASP had been there in June and noted the same sorts of feelings I had had and have contacted them to see about doing a joint investigation of the place.

This cemetery, while beautiful, is a place I won't investigate alone again. I don't normally go off the beaten track to these sorts of places, but it was daylight and seemed ok. All the while I was there, I felt watched and it was extremely unsettling to me. I did note a video surveillance sign was at the gates of the site and feel it prudent to use no flashlights and to park away from the cemetery proper and keep lights and voices to a minimum for a proper investigation to be conducted. The CASP team was accosted by a woman during their investigation in June and even somewhat threatened. Safety in numbers is the answer for this place, as well as prudence and stealth.

EVPs were not captured in this investigation. There was one false evp noted and placed in the library for reference - See the media case file.

St Michael's cemetery in Rescue was also briefly visited, but it was found to be locked and not possible to enter. Seems there is some agreement with the county to protect it and possibly there was a lot of damage done to the cemetery that forced it to be protected by a large wrought iron fence around it's perimeter. How people get in to visit family is unknown.

I did catch a possible evp here, but I cite "possible" given the ambient noise in the area. It sounded like glass breaking the moment I went silent to listen for possible communication. This was the only hit capture on this run and I'm strongly doubting it as evidence of paranormal presence at this cemetery. Still, I'll revisit the location with a drop recorder for an evening investigation to see if we pick up any activity on a cold clear night.

More to come as events shape up for a future investigation.