The Sun and it's storms affect the paranormal more than people would think. Given that this solar cycle is characterized by low activity on the sun and fewer than normal numbers of sunspots, it would be interesting to see if there has been a notable downturn in the numbers of paranormal events on the planet as a correlation. Similarly, as the solar activity increases, the theory holds that there are increased numbers of paranormal events to match the solar cycle events.

Ghosts and spirits depend on increased energy to manifest, be it in the form of storms, rain, loud sounds and, even space weather changes like auroras and geo-magnetic storms. So it makes sense to try to forecast when we might see more activity on the basis of space weather as a potential driver of increased paranormal events. The web site "" states:

"It is widely believed by the ghost hunting community that times of increased solar activity are ideal for ghost hunting. Spirits seem to feed off electrical sources such as electrical appliances and batteries. They often produce or disturb electro magnetic energy, it is speculated that spirits need to draw energy from the surrounding area in order to manifest. It seems that heightened paranormal activity happens durring a geomagnetic storm or solar flare (X, M or Mega class). Because the Sun's storms or flares sends particles into the Earth's atmosphere, which causes a magnetic shift and increasing the geomagnetic fields. Since it's a worldwide disturbance and alters the earths magnetic fields, it puts extra energy into the atmosphere. On these days when the air is full of excess energy in the air from charged ions, spirits have the extra boost they need in order to manifest and interact."

So, given that the image in this article shows a revised start of the solar cycle for 2008/2009, we can see that a likely increase in paranormal activity *might* be forecast for the period starting in late 2008 and with rapid increases in activity noted in increased strength throughout all of 2009.

This means that  we need to be watching space-weather indicators and to have cases at the ready when a good storm comes through for us, spiking energy levels and potentially providing a huge boost to the energy that can be used by our unseen friends.

The forecast for 2008/2009 is clear - marked increases in solar activity and potentially large increases in available energy for paranormal events to occur. All paranormal investigators should continue to watch the storm indicators and be ready for anything. Have your case list ready and hit known and productive haunts when these storms occur, especially when magnetic storms and aurora occur.

2010 - 2012 will be an exceptional time for investigators and I personally think we'll see some amazing energy boosts that will provide the foundation of some very profound events, both earthly and paranormal. Only time will tell,  but it will pay to be prepared and ready to investigate on a moments notice.

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